Dash Markup


  1. “Dash” refers to the ASCII glyph 0x2d - , which is also called “hyphen” or “minus” in various context.

  2. Dash Markup is line of text that ends with dash:

    Dash - Markup --
  3. Dash Markup is designed for typing & parsing with ease.

    For example, it can translate to XML:

    <Dash Markup />

    That said, you may use & extend it for anything suitable in your mind.

  4. Let’s define:

    • - ” is a single dash,
    • -- ” is a double dash, and
    • other things between spaces are words.
  5. Note that,

    • only dashes, spaces, and newlines are meaningful for Dash Markup syntax;
    • mixing up dash markup and plain text or whatever format is completely ok;
    • spaces around the dashes are strict;
    • indentations are treated as plain text;
    • in case regular dashes are wanted where dashes parsed as part of syntax, use more than 2 dashes;
    • Dash Markup should be reasonably loose: it shouldn’t blame one for trying out edge & undefined cases.

That’s all for Dash Markup itself.

Example Use Case(s)

See an excellent use case: Dash XML.